Genomics is the study of the total genetic makeup of individual organisms, and how this genetic information is structured, functions, and has evolved; bioinformatics encompasses a diverse range of analytical methods and tools applied to genomic data. This Specialization focuses on performing complex bioinformatics analysis using the most essential Python libraries and applications.
We will start the program by learning the fundamentals of Object-Oriented programming using JavaScript and TypeScript. We will also understand the latest Web trends i.e. Web 3.0 and Metaverse concepts and try to understand their working from the perspective of the users.
The objective of this course is to teach participants to develop customer-facing planet-scale Websites, Full-Stack Apps and templates, Dashboards, and Muti-Cloud Serverless APIs. By the end of the quarter, the participants will be able to develop and deploy web platforms like Facebook, Shopify, etc. The technologies covered in this course will include Next.js 13, Figma, Tailwind CSS, Chakra UI, tRPC, QraphQL, Prisma, Cockroachdb Serverless (PostgreSQL Compatible), AWS Serverless Technologies, and Cloud Development Kit for Terraform (CDKTF).
In this course, you will be tasked with building APIs and a template to be sold on the Panaverse DAO Marketplace and Theme Forest. The Panaverse DAO will receive 25% of the sale for platform management and an additional 15% for marketing purposes. 60% of the revenues will be distributed to the developer as Panaverse tokens.
This course will focus on learning the basics of the Python programming language through genomics examples.
In this course we will discover modern, next-generation sequencing libraries from the powerful Python ecosystem to perform cutting-edge research and analyze large amounts of biological data